Wednesday, November 30, 2022

How do you define an image of beauty?

    Source of video: Beauty Standards Around The World |YouTube account-  As/Is

Everyone has their own ideas about what makes something beautiful. Beauty can understand as pleasing the aesthetic senses, especially the eyes. Or, a person or thing that is beautiful or pleasing. Beauty is being sure of yourself, being happy, loving, and content. A beautiful person is someone who is happy with who they are, both physically and mentally. 

But why are we so quick to compare ourselves to others? 

        Because media are always showing pictures of what people think is beautiful. These pictures have a big impact on society, and they often change how people see themselves. Most of these pictures are unrealistic and give women bad ideas about what they should look like, but most women would do anything to get this look. In recent years, our culture has been shaped by the idea that we should be thin at all costs. People think that weight is a measure of beauty because of what they see in the media, which gives them distorted ideas about their bodies.

        In this blog, we will explore how Images of beauty portrayed by the media and Images of beauty for African American women. We will explore and narrow down to the issue of skin bleaching and share our views on the trending debate. 

So stay tuned!๐Ÿ‘‹

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