Friday, December 16, 2022

Seven Measures to Confront Unrealistic Beauty Standards

Source of photo: Zanniee

Step 1: Seek the Pleasure That Beauty Can Bring, but Stay Away From Pain

There is absolutely nothing wrong with admitting that you want to feel attractive and desirable. Continue to enjoy the confidence that comes from cosmetics, wearing beautiful clothes or having your hair done, etc. But just because being pretty provides us with pleasure doesn't mean we have to allow ourselves to be enslaved to beauty. For example, we can make ourselves healthy through exercise rather than through dieting.



Source of photo: Britannica

Step 2: Nourish Your Soul

When we concentrate on the body, we take our attention away from our own personal and spiritual development. Our outward appearances are a reflection of the state of our inner selves, but at the moment, the majority of us are approaching beauty from the wrong end. When we stop focusing on how much we dislike our bodies, we'll have a lot more time and energy to devote to other things.

Step 3: Focus on Individuality

In this era, the definition of beauty is changing with the public and beauty is no longer a single image. Knowing yourself can positively enhance your sense of beauty. If you see yourself as a multi-faceted being and let others see you in that light, you don't have to worry about competing with others.

Source of photo: NASM

Step 4: Avoid Mass Media 

Women's magazines present themselves to readers as a supportive platform for women, but in reality, they do more harm than good. When flipping through the pages of digitally altered models, we are confronted with hundreds of visual reminders that "you don't look as good as they do". But in real life, these models don't even look like that.

Step 5: Change Negative Beliefs About Self-Image

Low self-esteem is a terrible emotion, and people with such an emotion may be upset for a long time because of an offhand remark, a look or a gesture from others. If you want to change such a situation, you have to choose an interest that suits you, and then invest a lot of time and effort to study and work hard to make yourself shine in that field.

Step 6: Be Allies with Other Women

"Girls help girls" should be more than just a slogan. It is the only way that all women can improve their position in society, have more choices in life and control their own destiny. Refuse to compete with women! Stand together with other women and demand equality, justice, freedom and respect.

Step 7: Invest in Yourself

Continue to put money into things like your education, your development, and your interests. Start your own company, create possibilities for yourself, and locate a support group of your own to turn to if no one is interested in hiring you, promoting you, or giving you the opportunities you're looking for. Continue to hone your skills, create new works of art, and talk about your experiences.


Sitting in stillness and doing meditation will teach you how to communicate with the deeper part of yourself. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, and cultivate your intuitive abilities to the point where you can rely on them to direct your actions.


Find out what kinds of things bring you joy and devote yourself completely to doing those things. Find out who enhances the quality of your life and give them permission to adore you. Imagine that you are perfect, one of a kind, and stunning in order to recapture the self-assurance that was rightfully yours from birth.


Source of photo: Adidas Blog

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