Saturday, December 31, 2022

Stop Stereotyping on IMAGE OF BEAUTY (weakness)

❌Stop Stereotyping on IMAGE OF BEAUTY

source of photo:lifenatphil

It seems that each person has a different way of recognizing beauty. Different cultures have different tastes in art, which have been shaped by thousands of years of evolution.


Now that we live in a time when technological advances have changed things like how the media portrays images of beauty, some of us have been subtly tricked into copying Photoshop's unrealistic beauty standards. One way to get closer to that crazy goal of perfection is by using a wide range of trendy makeup and skin-lightening products. 

Source of photo: gifer

Source of photo: Rustic-realities

Source of photo: Veniceoarsman

Many of these media show women who are slim, toned, and attractive as the ideal of beauty. There are many ways in which the media show these ideals. For example, why is a fat or obese woman portrayed in movies as a funny, dumb woman who always eats and isn't sexually attractive? She's just a supporting character, while the main actress is perfectly slim and has white, spotless skin.

This kind of ideology will make people think there is something wrong with their bodies and try to reach these ideals(white skin color, slim) to be more popular, attractive, or accepted. This make all the people have the stereotype on the image of beauty on Women. 


Through these endless advertisements protracted by media, we are brainwashed to believe that to keep trying to attain a standard of this ideal beauty. People try to use extremely method to achieve the standard such as using chemicals to make the skin look lighter is called skin bleaching. 25% to 80% of African women and about 40% of Asian women use products to make their skin lighter. Skin bleaching is popular all over the world, but it has had a big effect on countries in West Africa. Also, a YouTube video from the SAYS account also expresses their opinion that the media should stop portraying unrealistic beauty standards.



Source of YouTube Video: Unrealistic Beauty Standards & Underrepresentation In Media Has To STOP | NANDINI SAYS

Sometimes we also can't realize we are unconsciously get influenced by this kind of false standard image of beauty. To get away from this false idea of beauty and demeaning situation, it's important to love your flaws and take care of your health. 

If this is you, you need to learn how to love yourself well.

"Standards should not be too hard on anyone. 

We just need to love ourselves and fight against it. "


source of GIF: Winnifred Maduekwe

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