Sunday, December 25, 2022

What are the most prevalent misunderstandings regarding attractiveness and beauty?

 In terms of attractiveness and appearance, what are the most common misconceptions?

Source of photo: Quora

Why do women have low self-esteem? There is a simple answer and that is social pressure. In post-modern society, women exist in a society where they need to be disciplined in their behaviour and there is no escape for either ordinary or beautiful women. Other women will dislike you for a number of reasons, while men will try to destroy you.

It is a common belief that all attractive women have an innate sense of superiority, but in fact there is a confusion between confidence and arrogance. The difference between confidence and arrogance is one's own perception of others in the outside world. The assertive person sees others as equals, is rational and tolerant of their own rights and wrongs, and respects others. The arrogant person sees others in a superior way, belittles them and treats them with disrespect when it comes to communication and behaviour.

Source of photo: Faculty Focus

Women who are too beautiful are easy to be jealous of. There is a theory in psychology called the "projection effect", which means that people often have the illusion that they are used to taking what they think and see inside as a standard and projecting it onto others, thinking that the other person is the same. This is why people have the impression that pretty girls are always unreliable, incapable and vicious, and the prettier they are, the more annoying they are.

Source of photo: Freepik

Source of photo: Entrepreneur

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