Saturday, December 10, 2022

The Effects of coastal damage, and factors


Source of photo: Arizona State University
Source of photo: Freepik
Today, with the development of technological tourism, there is always a crisis of pollution along the coast. If people do not pay attention to the cleanliness of the environment, the beautiful ocean may become very ugly in 10 years.

Source of photo: Freepik
This report will focus on the causes of pollution along the coast and some influences:

Coastal tourism and Industrial development

        Coastal tourism is an important source of income for the country. It can attract foreign tourists, but there are advantages and disadvantages.

        Coastal tourism, while an important source of income, often raises environmental concerns. Tourist activities can directly affect marine ecosystems by damaging coral reefs through boats and anchors, and indirectly by increasing demand for land reclamation, collecting shells for souvenirs, seafood, mangrove poles, and coral lime for construction. Extraction of living coral, baked in kilns to produce lime, also contributes to degradation of coastal habitats.

Overexploitation of local fisheries

        Fishing is an important employment activity for hundreds of thousands of households in coastal areas. Also an important source of income for all households living along the coast, the industry's products (fish, molluscs, shrimp and crab) provide the main protein component of the diets of most coastal and more inland people selling dried or salted products. Most of the catch comes from fishermen equipped with simple hand tools such as hooks and lines, hand spears, braided traps and various types of nets.

        Other, more industrial methods of fishing also exist, including motorized boats equipped with trawl nets drawn by powered winches. If these people engaged in fishing are too much, it will destroy the ecological balance, because the fisherman needs to fish for a living, if they fish too much every day, then the ecological balance will be destroyed.

Threats to marine animals

        The ocean has been destroyed by people for many years. In fact, many rare species have become extinct. With the above understanding, the root cause of the destruction of the marine environment is actually the development of the tourism industry. In fact, this is closely related to the endangerment of marine species. Tourists come to Playing along the coast, throwing garbage on the beach will threaten the life of marine life in the long run. For example, plastic bags, because they look very similar to jellyfish, turtles will think it is food and eat it. conditions can seriously affect the life of the turtles

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