Sunday, January 8, 2023

Ways to Helps Protect Coastal and Ocean environment

Source: Surfrider foundation

  • Always pack your reusable water bottle. By now, many of us are aware of the fact that plastic pollution exists, that it's a problem and that it's contributing to climate change throughout its destructive life cycle. What we're still learning (scientists included!) is just how massive the problem is— and it just keeps getting bigger. For instance, did you know that roughly 500 pounds of plastic enter the ocean every second, and microplastics have been found in the air we breathe, water we drink and seafood we consume? Help protect yourself and the environment by avoiding single use plastic bottles and using your favourite reusable water bottle.

  • Bring that reusable mindset into the grocery store. Bringing your own bags to the grocery store is an easy way to reduce pollution and single-use habits, but what about all of the packaged items we buy? Try keeping reusable, organic cotton produce bags stored with your grocery totes to avoid packaged produce and consider bulk-buying some staple items using mason jars or other reusable containers.

  • Host your own beach, river or lake cleanup to help protect your local coastline or waterway. Whether you gather friends and make an outing of it, or just pick up the trash you see along the waterline on your morning walk, report what you collect and help raise awareness by sharing your impact on social media!


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