Saturday, December 31, 2022

Stop Stereotyping on IMAGE OF BEAUTY (weakness)

❌Stop Stereotyping on IMAGE OF BEAUTY

source of photo:lifenatphil

It seems that each person has a different way of recognizing beauty. Different cultures have different tastes in art, which have been shaped by thousands of years of evolution.


Now that we live in a time when technological advances have changed things like how the media portrays images of beauty, some of us have been subtly tricked into copying Photoshop's unrealistic beauty standards. One way to get closer to that crazy goal of perfection is by using a wide range of trendy makeup and skin-lightening products. 

Source of photo: gifer

Source of photo: Rustic-realities

Source of photo: Veniceoarsman

Many of these media show women who are slim, toned, and attractive as the ideal of beauty. There are many ways in which the media show these ideals. For example, why is a fat or obese woman portrayed in movies as a funny, dumb woman who always eats and isn't sexually attractive? She's just a supporting character, while the main actress is perfectly slim and has white, spotless skin.

This kind of ideology will make people think there is something wrong with their bodies and try to reach these ideals(white skin color, slim) to be more popular, attractive, or accepted. This make all the people have the stereotype on the image of beauty on Women. 


Through these endless advertisements protracted by media, we are brainwashed to believe that to keep trying to attain a standard of this ideal beauty. People try to use extremely method to achieve the standard such as using chemicals to make the skin look lighter is called skin bleaching. 25% to 80% of African women and about 40% of Asian women use products to make their skin lighter. Skin bleaching is popular all over the world, but it has had a big effect on countries in West Africa. Also, a YouTube video from the SAYS account also expresses their opinion that the media should stop portraying unrealistic beauty standards.



Source of YouTube Video: Unrealistic Beauty Standards & Underrepresentation In Media Has To STOP | NANDINI SAYS

Weakness of the topic : Parents ‘not taking childhood obesity seriously

 Parents ‘not taking childhood obesity seriously’

Source of photo: Chestnut Hill College

It seems encouraging children to eat a healthy diet and exercise more is the route to success against childhood obesity. The aforementioned Let’s Move initiative is focused on doing just that. But is childhood obesity taken seriously enough for such campaigns to work?

A recent report from the CDC found that 30.2% of children and adolescents in the US misperceive their weight status. Around 48% of boys with obesity and 36% of girls with obesity consider their weight to be normal, according to the report. 

Friday, December 30, 2022

Headline weakness of coastal environmental degradation

Source of photo: Flickr

Source of photo: Flickr

                           Plastic pollution is quickly becoming an environmental crisis that the world needs to face.

Source of photo: Shutterstock

Plastic waste is the most visible component of ocean pollution. 


Although people's environmental awareness will be vigilant, tourism will be affected, and the government will start to control tourism on the beach

The government controls beach cleaning, which will increase the pressure on the tourism industry, which needs to ensure that the beach is clean so as not to be punished by the government's policy.

And so on, They are expensive

  • The wall receives direct impact and this weakens the structure over time
  • Waves scour the bases of the wall and they often need maintenance or re-development
  • The availability of adequate drainage behind the wall is necessary
  • Modern recurved walls may promote coastline erosion since they do not hinder longshore drift but act as a mere barrier

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Strength of topic: reminding people of how important it is to protect environment


Warming climate claims chunks of Alaska's northern coast
Source of photo:

The Earth is dying

Although we all know that the environment is getting damaged and destroyed over years, but yet the mankind still havent taken any action to strictly protect our environment. Coastal environments are arguably one of the most complex environments on the planet because terrestrial, marine, and atmospheric processes all interact in shaping them. Coastal classification systems provide a means of understanding the relative contributions of these processes, and mapping efforts that use classifications paint a spatial picture of how these processes vary in space. Indeed, mapping is one of the key tools used for managing human activities in the coastal zone. We note that classification systems are a means to conceptualize the important processes that affect coastal environments, whereas mapping systems serve to inventory mappable features, from which dominant processes may be inferred.

Source of photo:

Source of photo:

Coastal isn't the only place needs to be saved

Unfortunately, coastal environment is not the only place being damaged due to the humanity. There are much more places and environment also being damaged, like forest environment, mountain environment, glacial environment and etc. It is hard to keep all the human from destroying the environment, but we can use other ways to remind of it. Creating awarness of protection coastal environment can be a signal to all the human and tell them to protect other kind of environment at the same time. 

Source of photo:

Source of photo:

Source of photo:

What are the most prevalent misunderstandings regarding attractiveness and beauty?

 In terms of attractiveness and appearance, what are the most common misconceptions?

Source of photo: Quora

Why do women have low self-esteem? There is a simple answer and that is social pressure. In post-modern society, women exist in a society where they need to be disciplined in their behaviour and there is no escape for either ordinary or beautiful women. Other women will dislike you for a number of reasons, while men will try to destroy you.

It is a common belief that all attractive women have an innate sense of superiority, but in fact there is a confusion between confidence and arrogance. The difference between confidence and arrogance is one's own perception of others in the outside world. The assertive person sees others as equals, is rational and tolerant of their own rights and wrongs, and respects others. The arrogant person sees others in a superior way, belittles them and treats them with disrespect when it comes to communication and behaviour.

Source of photo: Faculty Focus

Women who are too beautiful are easy to be jealous of. There is a theory in psychology called the "projection effect", which means that people often have the illusion that they are used to taking what they think and see inside as a standard and projecting it onto others, thinking that the other person is the same. This is why people have the impression that pretty girls are always unreliable, incapable and vicious, and the prettier they are, the more annoying they are.

Source of photo: Freepik

Source of photo: Entrepreneur

Childhood Obesity – The strength of the topic

Source: Dr Carney

Helping Overweight Children

Most children should not lose weight because their bodies are still growing and developing. As a result, restrictive diets may deprive children of the energy and nutrients they require for normal growth and development. The goal for most very young children should be to maintain current weight while the child grows normally in height. As a result, healthy eating habits, regular physical activity, and reducing sedentary activities such as watching TV and playing computer games are the most important strategies for lowering obesity rates. These strategies must be incorporated into a healthy lifestyle that begins in childhood.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Promote a Healthy Lifestyle for Children

Obesity can lead to a variety of health issues in children and adolescents. Obese children and adolescents are more likely to have high blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, and fatty liver. Some developed high blood pressure when they were 10, and others when they were 13. Obesity, in addition to physical diseases, can cause abnormal growth and development in children, such as precocious puberty or developmental delay, which can have a negative impact on life and education. If the child's weight is too high, it will affect his or her bones, causing deformities such as scoliosis. Obesity can also cause psychological problems in children, such as low self-esteem and loneliness.

Source: How to be a

As a result, by providing healthy meals, snacks, and nutrition education, parents and caregivers can help prevent childhood obesity. Healthy meals and snacks nourish a growing body while encouraging healthy eating habits and attitudes. Parents can encourage their children to eat healthily by setting meal and snack times for them throughout the day. Simultaneously, parents should provide a variety of healthy foods to their children in accordance with the children's dietary guidelines pyramid, decide what foods to provide, when to eat, and let children decide whether or not to eat and how much to eat.


肥仔跑的好辛苦!! | Gif lindos, Emoticonos animados, Cartoon jokes

Friday, December 23, 2022

Create awareness to protect the coastal environment

Source of photo: Environment Guide

Create awareness to protect the coastal environment

It is important that we need to protect coastal environment as soon as possible. We can describe coastal habitats in simple and general terms or much more precisely. A particular fish’s habitat may be “saltwater” or, for example, “areas where the water has a salt concentration greater than 30.0 parts per thousand, water depth is less than 10 feet, water temperature is between 24 and 32 degrees Celsius, and vegetation covers more than 75 percent of the bottom.”


Normally, one habitat type is not enough to describe where fish live. Most fish utilize multiple habitats over the course of their lives, and many will utilize more than one habitat in a single day.

North Carolina’s Coastal Habitat Protection Plan breaks fish habitat into six groups that are home to important species at many points in their lifecycles: hard bottom, soft bottom, shell bottom, submerged aquatic vegetation, water column, and wetlands. These coastal habitats represent areas where coastal species forage, seek refuge, grow and reproduce.

With numerous fish migrating in North Carolina’s waters throughout their lifecycles, a complex of habitats, from the headwaters to the sea, is essential to ensure survival and growth.


Source of photo: NCSU

What are the benefits of healthy coastal habitats?

For example, North Carolina’s coastal habitats support a diverse array of fish and a host of other marine organisms, which makes these habitats crucial to the viability of coastal fisheries. Our state, with its billion-dollar commercial and recreational fishing industries, ranks among the nation’s highest seafood producing states. These industries need aquatic species that depend on sufficient quality and quantity of coastal habitats.

Not surprisingly, the lack of recovery of certain stocks of fish can indicate habitat loss and degradation.

In addition to providing a home for fish, coastal habitats — such as wetlands and oyster reefs — also increase the resilience of coastal areas to climate change and sea level rise, improve water quality, and provide valuable economic and ecological services.


Source of photo: MSP global

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Opinion on coastal damage

Source of photo: Global EDGE

Source of photo: Global EDGE

Source of photo: Global EDGE

Ocean pollution is a complex mixture of toxic metals, plastics, manufactured chemicals, petroleum, urban and industrial wastes, pesticides, fertilisers, pharmaceutical chemicals, agricultural runoff, and sewage. More than 80% arises from land-based sources and it reaches the oceans through rivers, runoff, deposition from the atmosphere – where airborne pollutants are washed into the ocean by rain and snow – and direct dumping, such as pollution from waste water treatment plants and discarded waste. Ocean pollution is heaviest near the coasts and most highly concentrated along the coastlines of low-income and middle-income countries.


Life in coastal communities changes rapidly. In some areas, the coastline is eroding by as much as 10 metres a year. Stronger storms and rising sea levels are destroying homes, roads and buildings that have been landmarks for generations.


More than once, we'd talk to locals and they'd say, "You see those boats over there? That's where my house used to stand." Homes were washed into the sea, fishing was restricted and people had no choice but to move. This trend is disrupting communities and changing the social structure of large numbers of people, possibly millions in the future. 


Aside from the human aspect, why are we so concerned about coastal erosion? First, it has had an adverse and measurable impact on the economic and social development of our client countries. Second, while climate change is making things worse, coastal erosion is partly man-made and can be slowed down and managed more effectively, especially if we take a regional approach. 


The economic and social impact of coastal erosion was very evident in our travels. Many of the coastal generation depend on everything along the coast for their livelihoods - from agriculture, fishing and marine industries to tourism, agro-processing and offshore oil. State investments in coastal public infrastructure can be risky and the benefits short-lived. At the current rate of erosion, there is also little interest in investing in tourism infrastructure.



Opinions on trending debates about Childhood Obesity


Source of photo: Pinterest

Fight against childhood obesity remains ‘an uphill battle’

Overall, it seems childhood obesity is receiving much more attention, and health care professionals are in agreement that obesity campaigns – such as the Let’s Move initiative – have helped raise awareness of the issue.

Some US states have even seen a reduction in rates of childhood obesity. A report from the CDC revealed that between 2008-11, Florida, Georgia, Missouri, New Jersey, South Dakota, and the US Virgin Islands showed a minimum decrease of 1% in their childhood obesity rates.


Source of photo: The local

But although such figures show we are heading in the right direction, Staino told us there is still a lot more work to be done.

“Childhood obesity remains at a historical high,” she said. “These declines are still within the margin of error, and it is important to continue following trends to see if the trends plateau or continue to go up.”

“We are certainly making some progress,” added Dr. Perrin, “but given the abundance of marketing to children of unhealthy foods, the lack of easy ways to incorporate healthy activity into children’s usual days, and the simultaneous unfairness of obesity stigma, it’s an uphill battle.”


But it seems Michelle Obama, for one, is not giving up the fight anytime soon:

"In the end, this isn't just a policy problem for me as First Lady. It's my passion. This is my goal. I'm motivated to collaborate with people all throughout the nation to transform the way a new generation of children views food and nutrition".

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Opinion on Beauty (Skin color)

Beauty Has No Skin Tone

Source of photo: vexels

Few areas on earth do not stigmatise people with dark complexion. These differences in skin tones created an implicit hierarchy in America. The media influence the strong misconception in the African America women to believe that their skin color are not beautiful. This kind of concept also influence other country such as in Asia has experienced the most extended and harshest level of stigma against people with dark skin. Dark-skinned Dalits in India were stigmatised as "untouchables" for thousands of years. They continue to be ostracised today.


Until today, many people still ask and look for ways to whiten their skin on different platforms.


Source of photo: Quora

Childhood obesity can solve when prevent early, because prevention is better than cure

 Childhood obesity can solve when prevent early, because prevention is better than cure

Source: World Health Organizations (WHO)

The primary goal of World Obesity Day is to raise awareness of the obesity problem. World Health Organization and its partners urge collaboration because it is the only way to advance our understanding, prevention, and treatment of obesity. For a healthier future, the World Health Organization also recommends action at all levels to combat the obesity problem and address its many root causes. As a result, we will be able to prevent this disease by increasing awareness and improving access to relevant information.

Source of photo: Twitter

        Obesity can be prevented and controlled, but it takes action on all fronts, most notably from parents. Instead of making their children aware that they are overweight, parents tell them that it will look cute, but this is extremely dangerous for the children because it contributes to their gradual obesity. However, parents also should not change their child's diet simply because they believe they are overweight. This is due to the fact that each pre-schoolers have a unique body structure and growth pattern. At this point, only a health care professional can determine the child's previous growth history based on his height and weight.

Source of photo: World Health Organization (WHO)

        As a result, in order to reduce the burden of childhood obesity, parents must first understand the consequences of their children's lifestyle and habits. Parents must also model a healthy lifestyle for their children rather than simply preach it to them. Parents should teach their children the value of exercise and physical activity in general, and encourage them to live an active lifestyle. This will be able to reduce the problem of childhood obesity rate through early prevention.

Childhood Obesity Gif By gif - Find & Share on GIPHY

Friday, December 16, 2022

Seven Measures to Confront Unrealistic Beauty Standards

Source of photo: Zanniee

Step 1: Seek the Pleasure That Beauty Can Bring, but Stay Away From Pain

There is absolutely nothing wrong with admitting that you want to feel attractive and desirable. Continue to enjoy the confidence that comes from cosmetics, wearing beautiful clothes or having your hair done, etc. But just because being pretty provides us with pleasure doesn't mean we have to allow ourselves to be enslaved to beauty. For example, we can make ourselves healthy through exercise rather than through dieting.



Source of photo: Britannica

Step 2: Nourish Your Soul

When we concentrate on the body, we take our attention away from our own personal and spiritual development. Our outward appearances are a reflection of the state of our inner selves, but at the moment, the majority of us are approaching beauty from the wrong end. When we stop focusing on how much we dislike our bodies, we'll have a lot more time and energy to devote to other things.

Step 3: Focus on Individuality

In this era, the definition of beauty is changing with the public and beauty is no longer a single image. Knowing yourself can positively enhance your sense of beauty. If you see yourself as a multi-faceted being and let others see you in that light, you don't have to worry about competing with others.

Source of photo: NASM

Step 4: Avoid Mass Media 

Women's magazines present themselves to readers as a supportive platform for women, but in reality, they do more harm than good. When flipping through the pages of digitally altered models, we are confronted with hundreds of visual reminders that "you don't look as good as they do". But in real life, these models don't even look like that.

Step 5: Change Negative Beliefs About Self-Image

Low self-esteem is a terrible emotion, and people with such an emotion may be upset for a long time because of an offhand remark, a look or a gesture from others. If you want to change such a situation, you have to choose an interest that suits you, and then invest a lot of time and effort to study and work hard to make yourself shine in that field.

Step 6: Be Allies with Other Women

"Girls help girls" should be more than just a slogan. It is the only way that all women can improve their position in society, have more choices in life and control their own destiny. Refuse to compete with women! Stand together with other women and demand equality, justice, freedom and respect.

Step 7: Invest in Yourself

Continue to put money into things like your education, your development, and your interests. Start your own company, create possibilities for yourself, and locate a support group of your own to turn to if no one is interested in hiring you, promoting you, or giving you the opportunities you're looking for. Continue to hone your skills, create new works of art, and talk about your experiences.


Sitting in stillness and doing meditation will teach you how to communicate with the deeper part of yourself. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, and cultivate your intuitive abilities to the point where you can rely on them to direct your actions.


Find out what kinds of things bring you joy and devote yourself completely to doing those things. Find out who enhances the quality of your life and give them permission to adore you. Imagine that you are perfect, one of a kind, and stunning in order to recapture the self-assurance that was rightfully yours from birth.


Source of photo: Adidas Blog

Sunday, December 11, 2022

The deterioration of the coastal environment : The unique experiences


Land use and human populations

Approximately 40% of the world's population lives within close proximity to the coast, i.e. within approximately 100 km of the coast. This means that some 3 billion people depend in some way on coastal and marine ecosystems, habitat and food resources, building materials, construction sites, and agricultural and recreational areas, while using coastal areas as dumping grounds for sewage, garbage and toxic substances waste. The pressure on living and abiotic resources in coastal areas is projected to increase further due to urbanization, industrialization and transportation. This section considers the physical structure and land use transformation of coastal areas, as well as anticipated future developments (e.g. offshore airports, wind energy parks, land reclamation, etc.) Coastal areas present a heavy burden that requires careful management. Appropriate guidelines are clearly needed globally to respond to these increasing pressures, which poses a major challenge for the scientific community to provide scientific information on possible solutions, as well as the predicted effects of different measures. There is a need for systematic research on the ecosystems associated with large coastal urban agglomerations. The development of so-called megacities has increased the tendency to concentrate people in coastal areas, see the paper Coastal Cities and Sea Level Rise. Clearly, this expands the impact on the marine environment beyond traditional sewage and waste, adding factors such as increased disaster risk, excessive noise levels and heat.

Beach cleanup activity

        We have participated in beach cleanup activities in 2019. The venues of the activities are all on the main seaside of Johor Bahru. The three beach or seaside that we cleanup is: Desaru Beach, Kampung Jeti Nelayan (Sungai Tebrau), Sungai Pontian. The situation of ocean garbage was very terrible. 

(The three location of the beach cleanup activity)

(Conclusion of the cleanup activity)

       We have travel total of 139.8km of these three different seaside and beach from Southern University College. Not only that we also collected total of 502kg of recycle items from the beach cleanup activity.  We hope that the deterioration of the coastal environment or issue of ocean garbage can be aware peoples and government should take noticed with this serious issue.